Sports supplements: necessary of nonsense?
Nutrition for athletes has always been a topic of special interest to me. My first serious writing was in 1991, an article called “Orthomolecular Nutrition in Sport”, but I went overboard and it was more …
Nutrition for athletes has always been a topic of special interest to me. My first serious writing was in 1991, an article called “Orthomolecular Nutrition in Sport”, but I went overboard and it was more …
“Perseverance Mars rover: NASA releases first-drive review”. Yes, it made the headlines last week. We are able to control and make a vehicle move along the surface of another planet, 54.6 million kilometers away and …
In the past many attempts have been made to bridge the gap between coaching and science, between practice and theory. At one hand we have coaches who work on the sports field every day, improving …
A well-known saying and appropriate for the current situation of anti-doping in sports. I am writing this article out of discontent with the direction anti-doping seems to be taking. In the past my point of …
Chaga or birch fungus, Latin name: Inonotus obliquus, is a famous folk medicine from Russia, mainly Siberia and has been used by local people for centuries. Already in the 12th century Chaga is mentioned to …
Mother nature possesses a large medicine cabinet, much larger than all the products of the pharmaceutical industry together. A simple plant can produce 100-500 different chemical compounds, of which many have a special value for …
Of course, I won’t be asked if I would make this choice, since I am not an athlete with a chance to participate at the Tokyo Olympics. But if so, I would definitely not take …
One of the main pillars of the current political correct trend in elite sports is the so called “level playing field” . What it comes down to is that every athlete should have equal chances …
It seldomly happens during the career of athletes that they have only one coach from start to the end of their career. The change of coaches can have natural reasons such as: within the structure …
We might think the following is obvious, if we become 75 years old, we will have spent 25 years sleeping. Well, we sleep a little less nowadays since it seems that our hyperactive society is …